For Women Only: Best Alternatives for Epilation

When hair removal is part of your regular beauty regimen, you might use several approaches on different components of your face and body. You may even be considering permanent removal methods so that you have fewer things to do in the daytime. You've got many choices, so that you can try unique approaches to make your skin smooth.


How it works: You pull out individual hairs by the root using tweezers.

Best for: Small areas of the face

Tips: sterile tweezers with rubbing alcohol before and after each use to lower your chance of disease.Potential side effects: If the hair breaks off, it might grow back beneath the skin, resulting in an ingrown hair.

if you want to read more about hair removal please click on that link

Shaving  hair removal

How it operates: Using a razor or electric shaver, you reduce the hair very close to the epidermis. "There's a popular myth that shaving causes hair to grow back coarser," says dermatologist David Pariser, MD." 


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